EFFO Webinare: Online Seminarreihe startet im Februar
Die European Federation & Forum for Osteopathy (EFFO) startet eine spannende Reihe von Webinaren. Für alle EFFO Mitglieder ist eine Teilnahme möglich. Hier geh´ts zur Homepage.
We’re glad to announce the following sessions:
Webinar 1: “Profiling osteopathy” on Wednesday 23rd February at 19.30 CET A 45 minutes presentation + 30 minutes for Q&A.
This webinar will summarise survey data from European countries that have described and profiled the status of osteopathy, osteopaths, osteopathic practice and osteopathic patients. This data will be discussed in the context of how it can be used to promote and market osteopathy at national and clinical levels. There will be a chance at the end of the presentation to attend a forum for more detailed discussion for those with a particular interest in this area of research.
Presenters: Dawn Carnes PhD and Patrick van Dun MSc.
Webinar 2: “Qualitative research with examples applied to practice” (in Spring 2022) by Oliver Thomson PhD (details and date to follow).
Webinar 3: “Osteopathy and paediatric research” (Fall 2022) by Sander Kales MSc (details and dates to follow).